HWWI Divider

API Documentation

API-URL: https://api.hwwi.org

  1. Authentication

    A valid token is required to handle any kind of request. A token is valid for 24 hours from the time of creation and must be regenerated after 24 hours. Use your login credentials from hwwi.org.

    POST https://api.hwwi.org/auth
    user_email string (required)
    user_password string (required)
    Return (JSON)
    status number
    token string
    token_valid_until timestring
    user_email string
  2. Countries

    Get list of available countries.

    POST https://api.hwwi.org/countries
    token string (required)
    Return (JSON)
    id integer
    region string name of country
  3. Currencies

    Get list of available currencies.

    POST https://api.hwwi.org/currencies
    token string (required)
    Return (JSON)
    id integer
    currency string name of currency
  4. Weighting Periods

    Request a list of available weighting periods.

    POST https://api.hwwi.org/periods
    token string (required)
    Return (JSON)
    id integer
    period string name of period
  5. Time Series Type string

    Available time series types

    Id Name
    1 historical
    2 real time
    3 daily revised
  6. Frequency

    Available frequencies

    Id Name
    1 yearly
    2 quarterly
    3 monthly (subscription required)
    4 daily (subscription required)
  7. Commodity Price Index

    Get commodity price index data. Each result limited to 10.000 entries.

    POST https://api.hwwi.org/rawindex
    token string (required)
    time_series_type integer (id of series) (required)
    frequency integer (id of frequency) (required)
    weighting_period integer (id of period) (required)
    currency integer (id of currency) (optional)
    country integer (id of country) (optional)
    start_date string ("2023-01-01") (optional)
    end_date string ("2023-12-31") (optional)
    offset integer - (optional)
    Return (JSON)
    status integer
    message string
    filter object
    data array [object]