a statue of a goat with birds on its back
30.05.2024 | Other

HWWI - Bremer Terrassengespräche 2024


Stromnetze der Zukunft: Herausforderung und Potenziale für die Energiewende

Tim Meyerjürgens

TenneT TSO GmbH

emma am see | Bürgerpark 1 | 28209 Bremen | 18:00 - 20:00 o'clock

Germany is aiming to cover 80 percent of its gross electricity consumption from renewable energies by 2030. What contributions can Bremen and northern Germany make to this energy transition? What role do German electricity imports and exports and the expansion of supra-regional transmission grids and electricity hubs play in this context? Could nationalization of the German electricity grid further advance this process? These and other questions will be discussed at the event.

Afterwards, we cordially invite you to a reception with barbecue and refreshments on the lakeside terrace of the emma am see restaurant in the middle of Bürgerpark.



Elzbieta Hagemann

Public Relations

+49 40 340576-100
