HWWI Divider
a woman holding a baby up in the air

Support for the survey of Ukrainian mothers in Germany

Project duration: 10.2022 - 12.2023

The HWWI is collaborating on an online survey developed by the Deutschen Jugendinstitut (DJI) for mothers who have fled from Ukraine with kindergarten-aged children (U6). The survey will consist predominantly of closed-ended questions, with an estimated completion time of a maximum of 20 minutes. The HWWI supports the DJI in  developing the survey instrument (online questionnaire for mothers). This support will be provided in four dimensions: (1) suggesting survey items based on classic migrant surveys, (2) proposing specific questions considering the unique situation of Ukraine, (3) advising on conceptual aspects of the survey planning for later statistical analysis, and (4) translating questions formulated in Ukrainian back into English.

Furthermore, the HWWI supports the DJI in analyzing the survey results and documenting the findings.