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belgium, brussels, european commission
Refereed Articles

Timing ist alles: Konsequenzen der Entscheidung über die Ziel-1-Fördergebiete der Europäischen Kohäsions- und Strukturpolitik vom Dezember 2005 für den Freistaat Sachsen

Michael Berlemann, Gerrit Vogt (2007),
ifo Dresden berichtet 14(6), 3-11.

This article deals with the question of what consequences a different timing of the decision on the Objective 1 funding areas within the framework of the European Union’s cohesion and structural policy would have had for the Saxon administrative districts. It is shown that the decision point in December 2005 was extremely favorable for the Free State of Saxony over the funding period from 2007 to 2013.

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Gerrit Vogt