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Unternehmensnachfolge im sächsischen Mittelstand

Michael Berlemann, Sabine Engelmann, Christian Leßmann, Heinz Schmalholz, Henner Spelsberg, Hendrik Weber (2007),
ifo Dresden berichtet 14(1), 15-28.
In addition to a high number of start-ups, an economy also depends on the companies already established on the market being continued by subsequent generations. Against the background of emerging demographic developments, the topic of generational change is becoming even more explosive. In the Free State of Saxony, too, there will be a large number of company successions in Mittelstand businesses in the next few years. The Saxonian state government therefore dedicated the 2005/2006 medium-sized business report to this topic and commissioned the ifo Institute for Economic Research, Dresden branch, to prepare a study on the specific Saxonian situation. This article summarizes the central results of this study.

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Sabine Engelmann

Christian Leßmann

Heinz Schmalholz

Henner Spelsberg

Hendrik Weber