Volkswirtschaftliche Aspekte des Direct Banking
Frank Keuper (Editor), Electronic Business und Mobile Business. Ansätze, Konzepte und Geschäftsmodelle, Springer, 337-376.
In the 1990s, banking markets in many countries underwent substantial changes. One of these changes caused by technical progress was driven by the significantly improved possibilities of electronic data transmission, affects the distribution channel of banking products and is also referred to as “direct banking”. After many so-called “direct banks” were founded in the last decade, which primarily operate direct banking, most conventional banks have now also reacted and offer products through direct sales. Like many industries greatly influenced by advances in information technology, direct banking was predicted to have great growth opportunities in many places and direct banking innovation was expected to revolutionize the banking industry. It is true that expectations have been put into perspective somewhat with regard to recent developments; Nevertheless, the forecasts regarding possible future growth remain quite positive. Direct banking has already permanently changed the banking landscape in many countries and, based on the forecast developments, will continue to do so in the future, possibly even very fundamentally.