Postbank Wohnatlas 2023
In an annual report, the HWWI compiles the Postbank Wohnatlas, which shows results for the local real estate markets at the level of the 400 German districts and independent cities.
The development of regional purchase and rental prices, the ratios of purchase prices to net rents as well as the income burdens caused by regional rental expenditure are regularly analysed. In addition, an annually updated forecast of the average development of real purchase prices for the coming decade is prepared. The analysis is supplemented by thematically changing studies, such as rental yields or price differences between old and new buildings or energy-efficient and non-renovated flats. Another focus is on commuting analyses for Germany’s largest metropolises, the so-called Big Seven. Under various assumptions, it is examined whether and, if so, for how long, a real estate purchase in the vicinity of the metropolises pays off, whereby commuting costs and commuting times are included in the valuation.
Project Staff

Der Deutsche Immobilienfinanzierungsindex: ein Indikator für die Entwicklung im Immobiliensektor?
Wirtschaftsdienst 104(10), 735-736.

Städteranking: Dynamik von Städten und strukturelle Pfadabhängigkeit
Wirtschaftsdienst 98(4), 291-295.