HWWI Divider
Hamburgische WeltWirtschaftsinstitut

PD Dr. Stephen Sacht

Deputy Head
Professional Career

Stephen Sacht joined the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) in March 2023. He is deputy head of the institute’s Methodology Center. Sacht studied economics with emphasis on macroeconomics at Kiel University, where he also received his doctorate and completed his habilitation. He currently holds the position of adjunct professor at Kiel University. Since 2020 Stephen Sacht has also been a visiting professor at the University of Rwanda. In the academic year 2015/16 he acted as deputy director of the institute of regional research and deputy chair of international and regional economics at Kiel University. From 2012 until 2015 he was a member of the research area “Macroeconomic Policy under Market Imperfections” at the Kiel Institute.


Research Interests

Theoretical & Applied Macroeconomics, Business Cycle Analysis & Growth, Monetary & Fiscal Policy, Computational General Equilibrium Modeling

Representative Publications
All publications

Refereed Articles

CV & Images
Phone+49 40 340576-351
Personal Websitehttps://www.makro-vwl.uni-kiel.de/de/team/dipl.-vw.-stephen-sacht